These initially pose a cosmetic issue, however, with veins bulging under pressure, they eventually lead to problems with the lower limb.
Complications of varicose veins
the main malfunctioning vein is stripped out of the body, using a small cut in the groin and below the knee. Then, smaller varicose veins below the knee are individually plucked through many, tiny 3mm incisions in the skin
For many patients, the best improvements in quality of life scores are achieved by undertaking a minimally invasive surgical option. Using the venous clinical severity score (VCSS), the average improvement in scores when studied were:
VCSS score with compression garments: 4.6 to 3.5
VCSS score with surgery: 4.8 to 0.6
Because of this improvement in quality of life, the European vascular surgery guidelines on varicose veins have made the formal recommendation that any patient with visible varicose veins should be offered surgery instead of stockings alone due to this quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, medicare has stated that in the public system, only patients with swelling, skin damage, bleeding or superficial vein clots quality of surgery.
Consulting locations
Artery and Vein Clinic
402 Crown St
NSW 2500
Artery and Vein Clinic
Soma Centre
Suite 8/7, Gregory Hills drive
Gregory hills
NSW 2557
Artery and Vein Clinic
117 Molder st
NSW 2800
Contact Info
Phone: (02) 4226 9333
Fax: (02) 4229 4006
Gregory Hills
Phone: (02) 4601 1055
Fax: (02) 4601 1058
Phone: (02) 4601 1055
Fax: (02) 4601 1058
Healthlink EDI: wgvascul
Office Hours
9am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Phone Hours
7am – 6pm Monday to Friday
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